Panel Service Upgrade

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We Offer Panel Service Upgrades

For the past 50 years, homes have been fitted with the same amount of electricity. This is because electrical loads for the most part, have not changed over time.  As families grow, the power consumption needs of the household grow too. If left unchecked, these changes could put too much strain on your current electrical panel. Hilltop Electric offer panel service upgrades to help with this problem.

Electric vehicles have changed all of that. 1 EV Charger uses more power than an average home used 20years ago. Consequentially, most homes do not have enough power to have an EV charger installed. Examples of other loads that are simply too large to be installed into a homes existing electrical infrastructure include hot tubs, outdoor heaters, air conditioning, etc.

The solution is to simply increase the size of the electrical service, and this is where we come in. We work with BC Hydro to replace the existing wires that connect the home to the electrical grid with larger wires that can carry more electricity. We also install a new panel that can handle the higher current, complete with all new breakers.

It is a significant undertaking, but as we continue to move away from fossil fuels, and move towards electricity and alternate power, there is a fantastic opportunity to bring your homes electrical infrastructure into the 21st century.

Our Electricians have the proper tools and training to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so that you can enjoy an ample power supply and an electrical system that is up to date and meets all safety codes.

Hilltop Electric electrical panel upgrade

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We are more than happy to give advice on which solution is most suitable for your needs, depending on your needs. Let’s discuss the various options available to you!

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